Over Stiff

School prepares me to the real professional world - that's good, but it sucks!
My secondary school world full of teens. I'm teen, but I realized that I don't want to be stupid teen. I've saw stupid teens for 3 years in junior hi School time. They're raw and obsessed by popularity. They did something that they shouldn't do in their age - humping? Well, maybe yes.
They try hard to look sexy or cool. They always try and buy shits that are not needed.

So fucking stupid!
Ur brand nu blog is definitely positive! I luv it!
Especially this post, well I dunno exactly who da hell u're talking about- but I feel da same way too. I don't want them -I mean da silly friends's acts- pushing me and bring me down!! It's gonna be so hurt!
But, REMEMBER not to keep seeing from one way, negative side. They're all still friends, we're social human.
Try to make up da mind and be more mature while growing up.
Berpegang teguhlah pada prinsip hidupmu, sehingga kamu tidka akn terbawa oleh arus negatif yang ada.
Jadilah aura yang positif yang dapat menyinari lingkungan sekitarmu, bagilah auramu pada yang lain.
Demi dunia yang lebih baik,
berusahalah untuk ikut berpartisipasi -tidak hanya untuk lingkungan- tetapi juga mengubah orang lain dengan cara memperbaiki diri sendiri.
Be always my BEST bestfriend-
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